Sarvambikesha Goddess Handmade Miniature Painting on Old Paper
Sarvambikesha Goddess Handmade Miniature Painting on Old Paper
Sarvambikesha Goddess Handmade Miniature Painting on Old Paper
Country of origin: India
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This painting of Devi as Shiva is the last in the series ending it on a tranquil note. With trees fringing the sides and a cloudless blue sky as her canopy sits Devi on a lotus, full-blossomed, symbolic of her bounty and generosity. It also stands for equilibrium and calm in the universe as in the individual’s life.
Shiva’s three eyes represent her mastery over past, present and future. Shankaracharya, glorifying the grace of her eyes, says:
Your one eye being the embodiment of the sun creates day your other being the embodiment of the moon creates night Your third eye, radiant like the slightly open golden lotus, creates twilight, the midpoint between night and day.
Verily, on a mundane level, if a man, in utter despair and despondency, approaches the goddess in supplication and self-surrender, he achieves what he needs and is protected from evil.
Make the person endowed with knowledge, endowed with fame
and endowed with prosperity,
give the form, give the victory, give the fame,kill the enemies.
Devi’s face is as luminous as the rising sun; her whole body appears to be glittering with divine light; her ornaments and garments present an enchanting spectacle. In a happy mood, she looks like a young woman. The trees in the background are painted with careful attention. The sky and the earth are clearly demarcated. Indeed each visible object has been painstakingly rendered.